Dash Cams for Policing

Dash Cams for Policing -

Dashcams are becoming a ‘cost-effective’ way for roads policing. We occasionally see some really bad driving however the most frequent bad behaviour is tailgating, causing up to 10 injuries every week in the UK. What beats me is that it is most prevalent in long roadworks surveyed with 50 mph average speed cameras.In the US, […]

Road Rage

Road Rage -

Most of us have seen incidences where drivers lose their cool.  Only the other day I had an unpleasant situation. I was travelling on a heavily congested motorway with everyone doing 70 mph, passing numerous cameras, as highlighted by the speed camera alerts of my Thinkware Dash Cam. I was following the car in front at […]

Action Cameras vs Sports Cameras

Action Cameras vs Sports Cameras -

An action camera such as a GoPro and Thinkware’s M1 use similar technology to record however the way the footage is stored is somewhat different as listed below: The M1 has both a forward and rear facing camera whereas the GoPro is a single camera. The M1 is powered by the vehicle battery in which […]

All About ADAS

All About ADAS -

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems are now appearing on new cars to help prevent accidents. The functionality was pioneered on dash cams by Thinkware in partnership with Ambarella, who provide the chipsets. For me, the most useful is the lane departure warning. The consequences of falling asleep at the wheel are usually dire, as there won’t […]

Hardwire or Plug & Play?

Hardwire or Plug & Play? -

When it comes to powering your dash cam, there are choices to be made depending on circumstances and requirements. Plug and Play – here the power cable plugs into the accessory socket of the vehicle. The advantage is that it is simple and DIY, however the downside is that the camera doesn’t know when the […]

The challenges of recording high quality footage with a Dash Cam

The challenges of recording high quality footage with a Dash Cam -

As you drive around, struggling to cope with glaring sunlight, just think of the challenges a dash cam has to deal with. We’re all told not to take photos directly into the sun, however a dash cam has no choice, if it is to provide all round protection. Thinkware cameras have advanced video clear technology, […]

Dash Cam use during the hot summer months

Thinkware Dash Cam on the road

The temperature in a car can get very high in summer when a car is parked, with the hottest place behind the rear-view mirror, which is exactly where best to mount a Dash Cam.    Now, not only is the environment hot, but the camera generates its own heat, such that it can be too […]

Leaving your car parked whilst on holiday

Leaving your car parked whilst on holiday -

As we come out of lockdown and air bridges are opened, there is a rush to take a flight to beaches that are going to be quieter than usual. When you park your car at the airport, or entrust it to a valet parking service, you would like your dash cam to protect your car […]

Speeding During Lock Down

Speeding During Lock Down -

I learnt to drive in a Mini 850 and the speed limit on A roads and the maximum speed of the car were the same, namely 70 mph. I could therefore travel everywhere out of town without risking a speeding ticket; pedal to the metal as they say. If there was a vehicle in front […]


E-Scooters -

Back during the London Olympics , I had driven my Audi A4 cabrio into central London one day and drove out towards Ipswich passing the Olympic complex on my right. As it was a beautiful evening, I had the roof down, which heightened my senses as to what was around me. At every set of […]

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